Affiliations & Career
Howard University Economics Department Alumni Association (HUEDAA)
The retirement luncheon of Drs. Chandler and Huang was held in March 2001 at Bolling AFB in Washington DC. A number of alumni attended the happy occasion in celebration of the two professors who had contributed so much to the Department of Economics. While dining with fellow alumni, Hazel thought it would be a good idea if the alumni could continue to meet and discuss ways to give back to the Department. She felt that with key professors retiring and new professors not yet hired, there was a need for strong alumni to fill in the gap and provide needed support to the Department.
The Howard University Economics Department Alumni Association (HUEDAA) was officially established on April 27, 2001. On this day, Ms. Hazel Robinson and three alumni, Dr. Sandra Cooke, Dr. Gwendolyn Flowers, and Dr. Charles Thorpe met with then Department Chairman, Dr. Ransford Palmer at the Department of Economics to discuss how the alumni could best support the Department. Dr. Palmer provided a list of 9–10 items that he thought the organization could do to support the Department and its students.
Over the next two years, the members held elections, developed by-laws and began recruiting other alumni to help fulfill its mission of “providing advice and support to the faculty and students of the Howard University Department of Economics”. All alumni who attended meetings during the first two years are considered “founding members” and in addition to those mentioned above include: Dr. Gwenell Waters-Bass, Ms. Connie Hamilton, Dr. Jo Ann Rolle, Dr. Yusef Ahmad, Ms. Doris Newton, Ms. Patricia Smith and Ms. Susanne Johnson.
Hazel served as HUEDAA President for thirteen (13) of its nineteen (19) year existence. Since HUEDAA was formed in 2001, the organization notable achievements are that it has endowed one scholarship fund the Dr. Joseph R. Houchins Memorial Scholarship and helped support the endowment of the Dr. Jean Louis DuCarmel Bocage Memorial Loan Fund. It also has established the Graduate Travel Stipend to cover costs of graduate students traveling to the annual American Economic Association/National Economic Association conference and established the annual HUEDAA Senior Recognition Award. In the spring of 2008, she was honored as the HUEDAA Distinguished Alumna.
Howard University College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Alliance (COASAA)
Hazel has served as President of the Howard University College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Alliance (COASAA) since it was established in 2007. In addition to promoting the College of Arts and Sciences (COAS) and its Departments, it also advises and seeks advice from the COAS Dean and Director of Development on issues concerning the college and members of the Alliance. The COASAA has supported the College Study Abroad Program, the Fine Arts theater plays, Charter Day, and Mentorship program. The organization has the potential to grow to a potent force in the Howard University community. Goals of the organization are to support current COAS programs and help establish new ones; promote closer fellowship among COAS Alumni; keep COASAA members informed; recruit students to COAS; and attend appropriate alumni leadership training.
Howard University Alumni Association (HUAA) and Greater Washington, DC (GWDC) Alumni Club
The Howard University Alumni Club of Greater Washington DC (HUAC-GWDC) is the largest club in the Howard University Alumni Association. The club is dedicated to promoting and supporting Howard University, the administrators, faculty, and students. The club also serves its large membership base by conducting innovative and exciting meetings and programs, raising money for scholarships, providing networking opportunities, and providing a platform to receive communications from the University. Hazel joined in 2007 and has served in several positions: Correspondence Secretary (2009-2013), Committee Chair, Backpacks to Briefcases (2013-2016), Membership Committee Chairman (2014-2016), Vice President for the Club (2014- 2016).
She is currently serving as the President and has been for the past 4 years (2016-2020). As president, she has led her 428-member club to several milestones. A few of them are providing nearly $30,000 in scholarships to Howard students from the Washington, DC Metropolitan area; established the Student Oratorical Contest where $3700 was given out in prize money; executed the highly successful “Powerful Voices: Africa and the Americas Art Exhibit at the PEPCO Gallery, raising $5,000 in scholarships; and established and growing the Red, White, and Bleed Blue Cookout and Freshmen Sendoffs.
National Economic Association
The National Economic Association (NEA) was founded in 1969 as the Caucus of Black Economists to promote the professional lives of minorities within the profession. In addition to continuing its founding mission, the organization is particularly interested in producing and distributing knowledge of economic issues that are of exceptional interest to promoting economic growth among native and immigrant African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color. Hazel was elected and has served as the Treasurer for this organization for the past nine (9) years. Prior to that, Hazel was elected to serve as a member of the Board of Directors for four (4) years.
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Patricia White Ministries International
The Patricia White Ministries (PWM) International, Inc. was founded by Rev. Patricia White in May 2013. The mission of the ministry is to “Go and Make Disciples of All Nations.” The ministry also serves the special needs community through its Dream Large Foundation. Since PWM’s founding, Hazel has served on the Board of Directors as Treasurer.
Tantallon Square Area Civic Association (TSACA) and Homeowners Association (HOA)
Hazel serves as President of the five hundred (500) member civic association and has been President since 2012. She is also President of the twenty-nine (29) homes in the Homeowners Association, a position she has held since 2004. The civic association is very active in the Fort Washington Community and in Prince Georges County Maryland.
The Economist
Hazel has led a distinguished career of Federal service and has held several positions of influence, where she contributed to international trade agreements and set regulatory policies for the nation’s aviation and agricultural industries. She began her career as an international trade analyst and rose to the level of Senior Economist before retiring with 33 years of Federal service.
Highlights Include:
Hazel served as an International Trade Analyst, United States International Trade Commission, Office of Industry, General Manufactures Division, (1987-1993), where she was trade analyst for several commodities including: sporting goods, arms & ammunition, writing instruments, hair grooming articles, toys, dolls, games, and fairground amusements. She provided background information, data and expert analyses for the USTR during US-Canada bilateral and NAFTA trade negotiations.
Hazel served as Senior Economist, United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Office of Aviation Policy, (1993-1999). In her capacity, Hazel independently evaluated the economic impacts of proposed changes to the Federal Aviation Regulations on all segments of U.S. Society. Hazel helped to develop over 30 proposed and final rulemakings at the FAA that were designed to ensure that aviation remains one of the safest modes of travel in the United States.
She spearheaded three notable rulemakings related to reducing aircraft noise over the national parks. Two of the proposed rulemakings related to reducing aircraft noise over the Grand Canyon National Park and the third one focused more broadly on reducing aircraft noise over all national parks. Hazel was awarded the FAA Incentive Award.
She also served as Manager of the Growth Model Project, which attempted to estimate resource and program requirements for an air carrier to operate safely through periods of rapid growth. The model provided guidance to Aviation Safety Inspectors as to what types of air carrier changes should trigger closer surveillance. During her tenure at the FAA, Hazel provided leadership and management over a 10-person working group of contractors and subcontractors.
Hazel served as Senior Economist, United States Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), Office of Policy, Program ad Employee Development (1999- 2015).
Hazel conducted a wide variety of economic assessments and related analytical studies concerning Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) regulatory activities. She employed complex economic estimation techniques to measure the impact of alternative programs and policies and provided oral briefings of her findings to FSIS management. She also advised Senior Managers on analytic needs relating to emerging, often novel regulatory issues affecting public health and other matters of great national and international significance. She led or contributed several notable proposed or final rules designed to ensure efficient and consistent food safety inspection standards and ultimately the safety of the nation’s food supply. Because of the high quality of her economic assessments, Hazel received several USDA spot awards for her work.
Hazel retired from the federal government in October 2015 after 33 years of service.
Chief of Staff
Hazel’s devotion to public service did not end with her retirement from the Federal government. In November 2015, Hazel was appointed by the Hogan-Rutherford Administration, as the Chief of Staff of the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) and Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport for the State of Maryland. She is second in command to the MAA Administrator and Executive Director of BWI Marshall Airport. In this capacity she oversees the Council of Committees—an assemblage of independent committees charged with addressing issues imperative to the Agency. The committees are charged with spurring innovation, collaborating, and developing creative ways to improve business operations at the MAA. Hazel also represents the Agency at Deputy Administrators’ meetings at the Maryland Department of Transportation.
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Hazel’s grandmother used to say to her, “join the military and see the world on Uncle Sam,” and that is what she did! But more importantly, Hazel developed a deep sense of patriotism and selfless service and willingly joined the military to express her great passion for honor, duty, and country. Commissioned on July 19, 1979 as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, her grandparents, Margaret and Willie, flew to Fort Bragg, North Carolina to pin on her butter bars insignia. Her love affair with the military had begun. Hazel rose through the ranks, achieving the high rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Military Units: Hazel served in numerous military units, but she started out as one of 113 women selected to work as a Field Artillery Officer. She served on active duty as a Platoon Leader and Assistant S-2 for the 3rd Infantry Division Artillery. Upon her return to the United States in 1984, Hazel began her career long service in the US Army Reserves, serving as:
Personnel Officer, 199th Transportation Detachment, Andrews AFB
Company Commander, 315th Supply & Service Company, Dover, DE
Field Services Officer, 510th Area Support Group, Baltimore, MD
Staff Officer, 310th Theater Support Command, Fort Belvoir, VA
Group S-3, 300th Area Support Group, Fort Lee, VA
Battalion Commander, 326th Maintenance Battalion, Owing Mills, MD
Force Management Chief, 377th Theater Support Command
Kuwait Staff Officer, 9th Theater Support Command
Military Awards
Highly decorated, Lieutenant Colonel Hazel Robinson, earned many awards:
Meritorious Service Medal
Army Commendation Medal with 5th Oak leaf Clusters
Army Achievement Medal, 3rd Award
Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal with 6th Oak leaf Clusters
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Armed Forces Reserve Medal with Mobilization Device
Military Training
She attended several many military schools, of which a few were:
Distinguished Command and General Staff College
Mobilization Planners’ Course
Associate Logistics Executive Development Course
National Security Course
Joint Logistics Course
Military Travels
During her military career, Hazel did indeed see the world on Uncle Sam, as her tours of duty took her to Germany, England, France, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Philippines, Alaska, and Kuwait.
Reserve Officers Association
Lieutenant Colonel Hazel Robinson is a life member of the Reserve Officers Association and has been an active member since the 1990s. The Reserve Officers Association (ROA) is a professional officer’s organization which promotes the national security of the United States and advocates policies that support the Reserve Forces. At the State level, Hazel served as Membership chairman, VP of Army, Treasurer, and President.
Lieutenant Colonel Robinson has also served at the National level and completed a 4-year commitment serving as the Army Executive man (2013-2015) and then Vice President of the Army Section (2015-2017), representing 30,000 members of the 50,000-member ROA. In this capacity, Lieutenant Colonel Robinson advocated for the Army Reservists in the United States.